Withington dental care consists of a team of competent, committed and experienced employees.

Dr Ala Vitkuniene
Principal Dentist
Dr Ala graduated Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) in Lithuania in 1995. GDC number 84827. She is a Member of Lithuanian Dental Association (Lithuanian LDA number O-2417). Provides comprehensive dental care in various disciplines of general dentistry including: Molar Endo, Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics, Molar Extractions, Cosmetic Dentistry, Restoring Implants Crowns, Implants Supported Overdentures, Paediatric Dentistry, Facial Aesthetic Treatment,3 M mini implants specialist.
Dr Ala speaks Lithuanian, Russian, English and Polish languages.

Dr Svetlana Humphreys
Associate Dentist
Dr. Svetlana Humphreys graduated in 2001 from Tartu University, Estonia. She speaks Russian language.
She moved to the UK in 2004 and has been working in the Manchester area as a general dentist.
She has joined our practice in 2021.
Dr Svetlana offers the following restorative treatments: Fixed and Removable Prostodontics, Root canal treatment , Extractions, Cosmetic restorations, Facial Aestetic Treatment, Teeth whitening, Teeth straightening with aligners, treatment of children.
She completed a one year Certificate course in Restorative Dentistry in 2023 and 1 year Certificate course in Operative dentistry in 2024 at Tipton training in Manchester and received level 7 Qualification, Post graduate certificate in Restorative dentistry.
Dr Svetlana also has been trained since 2008 to provide beauty injections with botulinum toxin.
Dr Svetlana speaks Russian and English languages.

Dr Monika Malikenaite
Associate Dentist
Dr Monika has been working in the UK since 2012. She graduated from Vilnius University in Lithuania in 2008. She speaks Lithuanian and Russian Languages. Since graduation she has worked in both private and NHS practices and provides a wide range of general and private dentistry. Since university Dr Monika has also attended quite a few courses, these include short term adult orthodontics (teeth straightening) and she provides treatment with both Invisalign clear aligners and Quick Straight Teeth braces.
Dr Monika provides comprehensive dental care in various disciplines of general dentistry including: Molar Endo, Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics, Molar Extractions, Cosmetic Dentistry, Restoring Implants Crowns, Paediatric Dentistry, Facial Aesthetic Treatment, Invisalign Braces.
Dr Monika speaks Lithuanian, Russian and English languages.

Dr Omayma Busrewil
Associate Dentist
Dr Omayma Graduated in 1995 in Tripoli University in Libya. Dr Omayma completed the MFDS postgraduate qualification in May 2005 in London. She obtained a Master degree in September 2005 followed by a PhD in March 2012 in oral and maxillofacial surgery at the University of Manchester.
Dr Omayma joined our team in August 2009,
Dr Omayma speaks Arabic and English languages.

Mrs Loreta Latozaite Blaziene
Practice Lead Dental Nurse
GDC registered dental nurse, qualified in 2012. Loreta is very experienced dental nurse, she is very knowledgeable about all types of dental treatments. Loreta is also a practice co-coordinator, she usually speaks and arranges an appointment for private patients. She speaks Lithuanian, Russian and English.

Mrs Elena Vieru
Dental Nurse

Mrs. Sharon Rasheed
Practice manager